You Know I'm No Good.


Put by a customer on hold. Will have to wait because he will be purchasing a car stereo and I need to reach my quota. Anyway, I just came back from a date with this guy. He's 60% of what I want in a guy. He's got money and he is ambitious. He's one of our company's top salesmen. But he's on his 30's and well, his personality takes a lot of getting used to. He's alright though. Raised in the States.

I really like mature and older guys but he's not my type. I realized I can't push myself to like something or someone even if for example, I like money and the guy has money.

I was just taking chances. He deserves someone better. I got trust issues. I can't stay at one place for a long time.


RIP. Amy Winehouse. You'll forever be remembered.