Now we're getting somewhere with all this hurrying.


3 minutes to go before my shift ends. Customer called in, said, "Hello?" No answer from my end. Finally when his "Hello?" reached my middle ear, I woke up, startled, saw that he has been waiting for an answer from me for about 52 seconds. When I finally gathered my words, "Yes Sir hello, how can I--" he hung up.

Can't blame him. He can't blame me either.

But I could have made a sale. I am 80 bucks short of my quota for the day.


Time to gather my stuff, run out of the office, hail a cab and then make it to school in an hour. Will have classes until 4.30PM, then my new shift starts at 7PM-4AM.

Hell of a life.



July 28, 2011 at 8:06 PM

You sure have a busy life! Goodluck to your job and study! Time management is the key! :)

Psychotic Thoughts
Must Have Food